2021-2022 Merrill College Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program Application
To be submitted by proposed faculty member.
AWARD: $1,050
DEADLINE: Friday, November 12, 2021
We suggest applications of between 1-2pp. - long enough to reveal, but short enough, we hope, not to be burdensome.

Please note: This mentorship opportunity is not meant to support students' independent research projects, but to support them as they work with faculty on faculty research projects. Students seeking support for their own research should consider the Merrill College Special Student Project Funds (https://merrill.ucsc.edu/academics/student_opportunities/project-funds/index.html)
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Faculty Mentor Name
Faculty Department
Mentor's phone & email address
Student name, ID number, phone & email address
Does student have work-study? *
Discuss the criteria you used to select this student to work with you, including mutual research interests, similar disciplines,  performance in previous courses taken, etc. If you are familiar with the student's aspirations and how this research mentorship is connected to them, please feel free to address them here.
Discuss the research activities/projects that the students will work on while participating in the Merrill College Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program. What will the student do? How do you see the student's work contributing to your work?
Student name, ID number, phone & email address
Does student have work-study?
Discuss the criteria you used to select this student to work with you, including mutual research interests, similar disciplines,  performance in previous courses taken, etc. If you are familiar with the student's aspirations and how this research mentorship is connected to them, please feel free to address them here.
Discuss the research activities/projects that the second student will work on while participating in the Merrill College Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program. What will the student do? How do you see the student's work contributing to your work?
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