Central District: 2022-2023 Elks Training Leadership Questions
Welcome to the 2022-23 Leadership Questions for NYS Elks Training

The goal of this is to enlighten our minds more and more with some of the rules and protocols of our Order that the leaders of our Lodges may face. This is intended to be a team achievement to begin the conversation on how to deliberate questions that may arise.

Each Question is linked to an Elk Manual that is here to support our leaders in finding answers. No one Elk knows everything but as leaders in our Lodges it is important to know how to find answers.

Thank you for taking the time to engage in this years Elks Training Program for Lodge Leaders.

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Your Name *
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Your Local Lodge *
Your Role at Your Lodge *
1) When inviting a District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler to any event in your lodge you should send the invitation directly to the DDGER. (Manual on Protocols: Page 3, Invitation Section 3) *
1 point
2) When inviting a State President to a lodge event the initiation should be sent directly to the State President. (Manual of Protocols: Page 3, Invitations Section 2) *
1 point
3) The 11 o’clock Toast may only be given by an Exalted Ruler or Past Exalted Ruler. (Article One, Section 1, Opinion 6,  Page 1) *
1 point
4) If a Past Exalted ruler from one lodge transfers to another lodge they are still entitled to have the designation of PER on their membership card. (Article Three, Section 1, Opinion 15, Page 3) *
1 point
5) All funds raised by a Past Exalted Rulers Association, aside from PER Association dues, belong to the lodge and spending of said funds must be approved by the lodge. (Article Three, Section 18, Opinion 28, Page 9) *
1 point
6) The Exalted Ruler has the authority to suspend a member who has violated the Laws of the Order. (Article Seven, Section 2 Opinion 02, Page 18) *
1 point
7)  A member who has been expelled from a local lodge may apply to another lodge and be granted membership as long as the lodge they are applying to is in a different district from the lodge they were expelled from. (Article Seven, Section 4, Opinion 02, Page 19) *
1 point
8) An Exalted Ruler that serves the full term of their office but does not get to the Grand Lodge Convention during their ER year will still earn the title Past Exalted Ruler for their lodge. (Chapter 1, Section 1.140, Opinion 06, Page 25 ) *
1 point
9) PERs who have attended a Grand Lodge session are eligible to hold the office of District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler. (Chapter Four, Section 4.500, Page 48) *
1 point
10) A member who has been expelled from the Order may have their membership restored by an Executive Order from the Exalted Ruler of the lodge they were brought up on charges. (Chapter 10, Section 10.030, Page 109) *
1 point
11) The Board of Directors are in charge of selecting committee chairs for each Elk Year. (Chapter 12,  Section 12.020., Opinion 3, Page 117 ) *
1 point
12) The Lodge may vacate the position of any officer if they fail to attend meetings for two consecutive months without a good reason. (Chapter 12, Section 12.140, Page 127) *
1 point
13) Lodges may not offer incentives or rewards to members who recruit new members. (Chapter 14, Section 14.025, Page 139) *
1 point
14) A member who achieves the status of Life Member no longer has to pay Grand Lodge dues. (Chapter 14, Section 14.150, Opinion 02, Page 148) *
1 point
15) In order to drop a member from the rolls because of failure to pay dues the Lodge must have a vote where ⅔ of the members gathered must vote to drop said member(s). (Chapter 14, Section 14.160, Page 148) *
1 point
16)  During a lodge meeting members are prohibited from leaving the lodge room during reading of minutes from a previous session, initiation and balloting on candidates. (Chapter 15, Section 15.020, Opinion 03, Page 158) *
1 point
17) A card may be issued to a spouse by the lodge of a member in good standing that allows the spouse to use the facilities of said lodge. (Chapter 14, Section 14.140, Page 147) *
1 point
18) A person who has an identification card and gets suspended from using Lodge Facilities may go to the courts of the Order to appeal the suspension. (Chapter 14, Section 14.140, Decision 01, Page 147) *
1 point
19) If an application for membership is denied by vote of the lodge, the applicant must wait one full year before being allowed to reapply to the Order. (Chapter 14, Section 14.090, Page 143) *
1 point
20) The Lodge can remove and appoint committee chairs through a vote at a lodge meeting. (Chapter 12, Section 12.020, Opinion 07, Page 117) *
1 point
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