Client Intake Form
Please answer all questions to the best of your ability...
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Street Address
Zip code
Phone Number *
What is your preferred home airport?
When would you like to depart?
When would you like to return?
Are your dates flexible?
Where would you like to go?
Do you have a hotel(s) in mind already?
List full names and ages of people traveling with you
What is your approximate nightly budget for accomodations only?
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What is your overall budget for this trip?
Are you interested in a custom itinerary, or are you just looking for help with accomodations?
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Would you like help booking flights?
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What is your main inspiration for this trip?
Will you be celebrating a special occasion?
Anything you absolutely must do or see?
Are there any hotel amenities that are important to you?
What is the best trip you've ever taken? What made this trip feel so special?
Do you have a favorite hotel that you've stayed at?  What made this hotel so memorable?
Does anyone in your party have mobility issues?
Does anyone in your party have allergies or food preferences?
Please list all rewards, loyalty and airmiles program numbers and their corresponding name
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
Would you like me to add you to the Cristy Mast Travel Newsletter?
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Where did you hear about or find Cristy Mast Travel?
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