Paradata, metadata and data for 2D/3D documentation
Dear Attendee,
Thank you for joining the webinar on Defining Paradata, Metadata and Data for Documenting 2D/3D Cultural Heritage, held in two parts on 8th April and 17th May 2024. We hope that you found the event interesting and useful to you.

As we as a community start to define how we use Paradata, Metadata and Data and the benefits – and challenges – they present within the documentation of Digital Cultural Heritage we believe it is vital that we are able to provide the best information, scholarly thinking and resources. It would be deeply appreciated if you fill out this feedback survey so that we can plan for future events and better serve our community. We appreciate that no one really likes filling out feedback surveys but it really will make a difference and you will be part of the process in shaping the future of Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation.

UNESCO Chair on DCH Webinar Organisation Committee.
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1.1 Your contact details (Name, organization, country, email). This is optional but will help us to keep our records UpToDate and you informed. Please see CUTs GDPR policy for more details.
1.2 Your area of interest in Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) (Tick all that apply)
1.3  Your area of interest in Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) (Tick all that apply) *
1.4 How would you rate your knowledge about ...? (0 Poor, 1, Average, 2 Good, 3 Excellent)
0 Poor
1 Average
2 Good
3 Excellent
3D Data acquisition
3D Modelling
Digital Preservation and archiving
Linked Data/Knowledge Management of 3D Assets
Developing CH Based 3D User Experiences
2.1 On average, how would you rate the presentations...? (0 Poor, 1, Average, 2 Good, 3 Excellent)
0 Poor
1 Average
2 Good
3 Excellent
Presentations clarity/understandability
The content of the presentations
Useful/relevant to your interests
3.1 Thinking about the overall webinar, how would you rate (0 Poor, 1, Average, 2 Good, 3 Excellent)
0 Poor
1 Average
2 Good
3 Excellent
The value of the webinar presentations to your interests
The experience of the webinar
Event registration/communications
Time slot for the webinar
3.2 What was your single biggest takeaway? *
3.3 Tell us more about your favourite and least favourite moment from the program? 
3.4 How did you find out about the webinar?
3.5 How can we make future webinars better?
3.6 How were the length and pace of the webinar? Was it too slow/long, perfect, or short/fast?  How was the webinar technology?
3.7 Anything else you would like to comment on? 
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