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1. By consulting the Google Scholar search engine (, check the number of citations of the D. Portetelle's articles published in 1994 in the journal Nature
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2. By consulting Google Scholar Profile page of D. Portetelle, identify the year in which there were the most citations for the paper "The complete genome sequence of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis" published in Nature in 1997.
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3. Still consulting Google scholar (advanced search), give the number of articles from A. Théwis, published in 2010 and cited at least once.
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4. For the journal "Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment" (ISSN 1370-6233), find its H index from Scimago Journal & Country Rank (
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5. What is the Altmetric Attention Score of the de article writed by Jong et al. and published in Biotechnology for Biofuels in 2017 with the DOI : [1. install the altmetric bookmarklet ( - 2. access to this paper (use the DOI link) - 3. then "altmetric it!"]
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