Join CUSSC 2023-2024
Enter your details below to join the best club in Cambridge!

Legal stuff:
- Membership benefits are subject to change and may include what is on the CUSSC website.
- By filling this form out and paying membership you agree to the CUSSC code of conduct and accept that CUSSC takes no responsibility for your loss due to property damage or personal injury.
- Please note that your data will be held by CUSSC while you are an active member or on the alumni mailing list. Please see out data protection policy on our website for more information.

Minimum standard notice:
CUSSC strives to make skiing and snowboarding accessible for everyone, however we must respect the minimum requirements enforced by UK snow centres and ask that if participating in CUSSC training you can:
 - Control Speed & Direction
 - Perform Linked Turns
 - Stop When Required
 - Use a Button Lift Unassisted​

Membership notice:
- Social members CAN attend club socials, buy stash, and make use of club discounts. 
- ONLY compete members are entitled to compete for the university or attend any form of club training, including strength and conditioning (S&C).
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Membership type *

Payment must be made into the CUSSC account.

Bank: Lloyds Bank

Account Name: Cambridge University Ski And Snowboard Club

Account Number: 04028561

Sort Code: 30-91-56

Reference: [Your CRSid]

First name *
Last name *
crsID *
Email (preferably Cambridge email) *
College *
Year of study *
Date of birth *
Phone number *
Emergency contact name *
Emergency contact number *
Relationship of emergency contact to you *
Any pre-existing medical conditions / allergies we should know about?
Code of Conduct *
Data Policy *
Promotional Materials *
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