Keeping Connected in Lower Hutt - COVID19 Response
The next few weeks and months are likely to be tough for everyone in the Hutt due to coronavirus, and keeping connected as a community will be more important than ever. Some people will have to self-isolate. Others will want to, and/or minimise leaving the house. Our seniors will be particularly vulnerable. My idea is that we create a network of community captains, ideally one or two people for each street in Lower Hutt, who will coordinate activity in that street. Each community captain will create a network - either on Facebook or WhatsApp or just an old-fashoned phone tree - in which people can OFFER help and ASK for help.

By working together as a community, house by house, street by street, and neighbourhood by neighbourhood, we can get through this together.

I've trialed this in my street and it's worked well so far. I have resources that people can copy to get started, and there is other material online. Many of our seniors will not be on Facebook, so letterbox drops will be needed.

Please fill out this form if:

a) You're interested in being the community captain for your street in Lower Hutt.

b) You're happy to be called upon by your community captain to help someone who needs support with groceries, pharmacy prescriptions, etc.

c) You're going to need some help - getting food and essentials delivered - or even in need of a friendly phone call.

I will work with the community captains on resources and sharing ideas, and I will put people who need help in touch with people on their street or in their neighborhood.

Chris Bishop
MP for Hutt South
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Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number
A) Are you interested in being a community captain for your street? *
B) Are you in a position to help someone in your community who needs support?
Do you think you'll need extra support in the next few weeks? *
Any comments or other ideas?
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