Join the Talks in Tech Community!
Welcome to Talks in Tech, an organization that aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry!

As students, we often face challenges transitioning from school to the workplace. As researchers, we might doubt the impact of our innovations. And, as industry workers, we might lack connection with our peers or other sectors in technology. Talks in Tech addresses these by bringing industry experts from giant tech companies and rising startups, such as Google, Tesla, Amazon, and more, providing insights, career advice, and the latest tech trends. 

We'll cover a range of topics, from personal experiences to career advice and tech trends. Plus, we're introducing tech news briefs and industry opinions. All sessions have an online joining option and are recorded and posted on our YouTube channel, making it convenient for you. Additionally, you can ask your questions directly from our guests!

Join us for a realistic view of tech careers, connecting with industry leaders, and gaining valuable insights. Follow us for schedules – it's all free!

Mark your calendars for the Spring 2024 Seminar Series, held from January 21st to May 1st, and be part of the tech revolution!

Check out our YouTube channel, and follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.
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