Maprun Bike / Foot Orienteering Pine Rivers Park 04.09.20
Make sure you register if you're coming to Pine Rivers Park on Sat 7th November!

This event is a Maprun event - you'll need to download the app - "MaprunF", and register -'50.8%22S+152%C2%B059'45.0%22E/@-27.3140942,152.9936563,654m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d-27.3140994!4d152.9958446

$5.00 per person, refundable if you are unable to attend due to Covid symptoms

Please REGISTER BEFORE Friday 4th Septhember, so you don't miss out on a map!

Contact Gordon - 0412 776 876 / with questions or suggestions.
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I'm coming to Pine Rivers Park on Saturday 7th September! OR... *
How many people are in your group (first names and age of children participating please)? *
Risk *
You May Be Photographed *
Covid Safe Compliance - I agree that: *
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