Withdrawal Form and Exit Survey
We are sorry that you are leaving SLD but understand and appreciate that there are many different reasons for moving on.  We hope that in the event you wish to return to swimming in the future, in whatever capacity, that you once again consider us.

We rely on our member feedback to continually improve our Club.  Please complete this short survey so we process and finalise your withdrawal, understand the reasons for leaving the Club and to identify areas requiring improvement.

** Please note as per clause 10.2.6 of our terms and conditions, withdrawals must be received on or before the 15th of the month for cancellation of the following months training fees.
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Name *
Squad *
Date of withdrawal *
Reason for leaving SLD? *
Are there any specific factors that contributed to you leaving the Club?
Are there any specific things we can do to improve the swimmer's experiences at the Club?
Are there any specific things we can do to improve the swimmer's experiences at the Club?
Are there any specific things we can do to improve the overall families experiences at the Club?
Any additional comments.
Parent/Guardian name *
Email address *
Contact number *
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