Behavioral Consult Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in our behavioral consultations! In order for us to best serve, please, complete the form below.
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number
Please, include the best daytime and evening phone numbers to reach you at.
Your City *
Please, include a brief description of all household members that your dog(s) interact with. *
Please, include a brief description of other animals in your home that your dog(s) interact with. *
Dog's Name *
The name(s) of the dog(s) you are seeking assistance with.
Dog's Name, Age, Sex, Breed, and Alteration Status *
The name(s), age(s), sex(es), breed(s), and alteration status(es) of the dog(s) you are seeking assistance with. (Example: Fido, 1.5 Years, Female, Golden Retriever, Spayed and Fluffy, 6 Months, Male, Yorkie, Intact)
Do you take your dog(s) to the dog park? *
Do you take your dog(s) to doggy daycare? *
Have you done any previous training with the above mentioned dog(s)?
If yes, please, describe the type of training and skills that were worked on.
Please, describe the behavioral concern(s) you have about your dog(s). *
Please, describe in detail a particular incident where the aforementioned behavior(s) occurred. *
Please, describe any steps you have taken to change this behavior. If none, just put none. *
Have you ever considered rehoming your dog over these concerns? *
Consultations are generally scheduled during the daytime hours of the work week. Weekend and evening consultations are available, but may be scheduled slightly further out. Please, include some typical times during the week that would work for your family. Consultations can be scheduled in your home (depending on location) and in our training space.
I hereby agree that this information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Rogues and Rascals will make every reasonable effort to help me achieve training and behavior modification goals but can make no guarantee of my dog's performance or behavior as a result of providing services. All members of my household must follow given instructions without modification, work with dog daily as recommended once the dog returns home, and consistently reinforce training being given to my dog. *
Please, type your name to sign.
Where did you hear about us? *
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