P.L.A.Y. Multi-Sport and Activity Camp Form
AUGUST 19-23
Hiawatha L.I.F.E. Services Centre
Cost $250 (4pm pick up available for additional $5/day-paid at time of registration)
Registration is not complete until payment is sent to sean@playsportsptbo.com
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Email *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Cell Number (provide two numbers if possible)
Child/Dependant's Full Name *
Child/Dependant's Birth Year (Participants must be 5+)
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What days to you require 4pm pick up?
Does your child/dependent have any allergies?

Does your child/dependent have any exercise limitations?

*if no - please type N/A
**if yes - please explain 
Are you able to bring your own helmet and lacrosse stick, if NO, please indicate needs in ADDITIONAL COMMENTS BELOW.
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Is your child able to bring a bike OR rollerblades for one day of the camp? 
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Additional Comments
Do you give consent to take promotional photos/videos of your child/dependent during activity for social media purposes?
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Do you wish to receive email updates about our upcoming events? (Camps, PopUpP.L.A.Y.)
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I acknowledge that participation in P.L.A.Y. Sports has some inherent risks and injury can occur. On rare occasions these injuries can be severe. In allowing my child/dependent to participate in P.L.A.Y Sports, I, the parent/guardian, assume the risk and indemnify and save harmless P.L.A.Y. Sports Worldwide INC., the directors, employees, and volunteers from all liability, including without limitation, injury, death, damage or expense to any person or property, howsoever arising resulting in my child/dependents participation in P.L.A.Y. Sports activities. By selecting YES, you have agreed to the terms listed above. 
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Does your child require additional support during this program? Is there anything you would like to add?

Let us know below!
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