2017 Yearbook Academic Survey 1
Please complete this short survey to assist the Yearbook Staff with meeting their deadlines before Winter Break.  These should be short, but clear answers.  All results will be anonymous.  We are just asking for your name so that we do not receive duplicate answers.  Thank you for participating!
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
What has been your favorite book to read in any English CHS course? *
(Assigned or Unassigned)
What Social Studies project or assignment has affected you the most out of any CHS Social Studies course? *
What is the most informative Math project you have done in any CHS Math course? *
What is the most exciting Science project / experiment you have done in any CHS Science course? *
What World Language have you or are you taking at CHS? *
What sport / game have you/did you enjoy the most in any Healthful Living Class at CHS? *
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