Unplugged Tuxies
Nominate your favorite projects (the term used loosely here) and devices for the 2020 Tuxies.
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Best Open Source Project *
Not just released in 2020, but your very favorite open source project of all time.
Best Newcomer Project *
An open source project, released in 2020.
Best Text Editor of 2020
There are many, but only one of them can be the winner. Which text editor did your fingers rock in 2020?
Favorite Desktop Distro of 2020 *
What was your favorite distro this year?
Favorite Server Distro of 2020
What was your go to server distro this year?
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Best Desktop Environment of 2020 *
Which desktop environment was the real MVP for you this year?
Best Linux Game of the Year
Favorite game that plays on Linux released in 2020, old games now working via Proton this year count!
Best of Tech 2020
What tech or perhaps open source project has really impressed you this year?
Most Life-Changing Hardware / Device / Gadget
Did you get something that upgrades your workflow? Or a new gadget that's changed your game?
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