Public Design Thinking Reflection
Please complete this form to reflect on your process as you created your design.
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Wonder: Please select the 3 verbs that best describe your work during the Wondering phase of the creation process. You will explain your choice in the open-ended question that follows. *
Explain why you chose those 3 responses to the Wonder question. Was it hard to choose? Why? Why not? What would you do differently next time? *
Investigate: Please select the 3 verbs that best describe your work during the Investigation phase of the creation process. You will explain your choice in the open-ended question that follows. *
Explain why you chose those 3 responses to the Investigate question. Was it hard to choose? Why? Why not? What would you do differently next time? *
Theorize: Please select the 2 verbs that best describe your work during Theorizing phase of the creation process. You will explain your choice in the open-ended question that follows. *
Explain why you chose those 2 responses to the Theorize question. Was it hard to choose? Why? Why not? What would you do differently next time? *
Produce: Please select the 2 verbs that best describe your work during the Production phase of the creation process. You will explain your choice in the open-ended question that follows. *
Explain why you chose those 2 responses to the Produce question. Was it hard to choose? Why? Why not? What would you do differently next time? *
Revise: Please select the 3 verbs that best describe your work during the Revision of the creation process. You will explain your choice in the open-ended question that follows. *
Explain why you chose those 3 responses to the Revise question. Was it hard to choose? Why? Why not? What would you do differently next time? *
Share: Please select the 3 verbs that best describe your work during the Share phase of the creation process. You will explain your choice in the open-ended question that follows. *
Explain why you chose those 2 responses to the Share question. Was it hard to choose? Why? Why not? What would you do differently next time? *
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