Market Research for Grief Girlfriend
Thank you so much for helping me launch my business! For this survey, we define grief as any loss. Therefore, when answering these questions, you can refer to a diagnosis, divorce, death, or any other loss that led to hard emotions unless the question asks specifically about a type of loss. Please note that your answers will steer the direction of my business and may be used in social media. 
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Can Grief Girlfriend quote your responses using your first name and last initial on social media and on the website?   *
Name  *
What was the least helpful thing people did when you were grieving?  *
What was the most helpful thing people did when you were grieving?  *
What was something someone said during your difficult time that stuck with you (good or bad)?  *
When grieving a loss, what support was most helpful? For example: a friend listening, meals being dropped off, people showing up to help around the house with pets, children or meals, cards, regular texts checking in, etc *
While going through your grief, what do you wish people would do more of for you? For example, did you wish people would have checked in more?  *
What resources were most helpful to you? Please be specific (Books, websites, people, groups) *
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