Columbia Christian Kindergarten-4th Grade Spring Soccer
Columbia Christian’s Elementary Spring Soccer program is back and better than ever!
Hosted by Columbia coaches and staff, and assisted by Columbia high school students, our team is excited to have some fun on the field.

Mission: To provide a safe, fun, and energetic environment for youth of all skill levels to be active while developing soccer and life skills.

Spring Soccer program will include:
* Technical and Fitness Training
* Skill Games
* Game Play
* Free T-Shirt

All players are required to wear shin guards.
Soccer cleats are highly recommended.

It is important to bring a water bottle and a quick snack.  They'll need that energy boost and it's important to stay hydrated.

Students must be picked up from the soccer field at 4:30. They will only be released to people you list below in the Permission to Release section below.

Kindergarten-4th Grade Students

Sessions Start: April 20
Sessions End: May 13

3:00-4:30 on Tuesdays & Thursdays

8 Sessions: $80

>>>Early Bird Price: $70 if paid by Apr. 9<<<

*60 for additional participants in the same household

Parent/Guardian(s) Name(s) - We will use this info. for our emergency contact/s *
Parent/Guardian(s) Phone Number(s) - We will use this info. for our emergency contact/s *
# 1 Player's Name *
#1 Player's Grade *
#1 T-Shirt Size *
# 2 Player's Name
#2 Player's Grade
Clear selection
#2 Players T-Shirt Size
Clear selection
# 3 Player's Name
#3 Player's Grade
Clear selection
#3 Players T-Shirt Size
Clear selection
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