Your Inner Adventure Awaits... ♥
Are you ready to embark on your inner adventure? Get ready to do the work but don't worry... you won't be doing it alone.

If you choose to accept the challenge, you’ll look back on this decision as the best one you’ve ever made for yourself. A decision that will take you on an adventure that will transform your mind and your life. A decision that will give you the most beautiful life, one that you know in your heart you are meant to have.

Please fill out the form below (it'll only take you a few minutes!) so I can learn a little bit more about you. Take a deep breath and get excited about your own big, bold life! Don't worry - all of your information will be kept confidential.

Email *
Describe your current life situation.  Eg. single, living alone, full-time job with no time for myself to work on personal goals. *
If you could describe how you feel about yourself and your life right now, what would you say? *
What's your definition of "self-love"? *
If you could envision your life a year from now, what does that look like for you? What are the feelings associated with this life? *
What do you currently fear about getting the life and the love that you want? *
What obstacles, challenges, and struggles do you encounter when trying to make changes in your life - esp. when it comes to confidence, self-love and relationships? *
Have you ever invested in yourself? What are some of the things you look for that make you say yes to the investment? *
What are 5 things that bring you JOY in your life? *
On a scale of 1 - 10 how motivated are you to achieve that life you envision for yourself? *
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