Rouge Park Stewardship Events
Trail Workday
Saturday, Sept. 14th, 9am - 1pm  @Sorensen Recreation Area

Partnering with the Mission Continues, we will be Working on the Maiingun Wildwood trail, ripping up invasive species, and building walkway at Sorensen

Cherry Orchard Workday
Sunday, Sept. 15th, 1pm - 5pm  @ Rouge Park Cherry Orchard

Partnering with the - Detroit Partnership for Learning and Innovation (DPFLI) and Brightmore Artisan Alliance we will be caging up the newly planted cherry orchard to protect those trees from fall deer!

Buckthorn Bonfires
Wednesday, Sept. 18, 4:30pm - 9pm @ Joe Prance Recreation Area

Friday, Sept. 27, 4:30pm - 9pm @Scout’s Holllow

At these workdays, we will be removing invasive species from two different locations/projects. @  Scout Hollow we will be finishing trail work started by our youth works Student Civilian Conservation Corps students.  @ Joe Prance we will be removing invasive honey suckle in an area that we are developing as a youth play area. Both of these volunteers days will have “drinks on us” and end with a bonfire, perhaps some pizza of y’all work hard.

In general:
We recommend wearing long sleeves, long pants and boots. May-September can feature excessive mosquitos, we will have bug spray and bug nets!

We will provide gloves, tools and adult beverages when applicable!

We recommend attendees bring a water bottle.

We will take breaks to hike; learning plant, flower, and tree identification!

Check out these videos if you'd like to study the plants that we will be targeting before coming!



Garlic Mustard:

Oriental Bittersweet:

Multi-flora Rose:

Porcelain Berry:

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I, the undersigned, being of lawful age or the parent or legal guardian of the person involved in the Friends of Rouge Park Program in consideration of being allowed to participate in the Program, I hereby release, discharge, and forever acquit the Friends of Rouge Park, a non-profit organization, and its officers, agents, employees, contributors, and sponsors from any and all actions, causes of action, claims or any other liabilities whatsoever, known or unknown, or may arise in the future, on account of or in any way related to or arising out of my participation in the Program.  I hereby authorize the Friends of Rouge Park and our partner, the USDA Forest Service, to use photographs and/or video that were taken of me during my participation in the Friends Rouge Park activities. I understand that this material may be used in various publications, the internet, public television, recruitment materials, organization presentations, or for other related endeavors. This authorization is continuous and may only be withdrawn by my specific rescission of this authorization. Consequently, the Organization and the USDA Forest Service may publish materials, use my name, photograph, video and/or make reference to me in any manner that the Organization and the USDA Forest Service deems appropriate in order to promote/publicize the restoration of the Rouge Park. I also agree to self-screen for any covid symptoms, exposure or positive test. *
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