DSACK New Family Welcome Form
Our online referral form can be used to ensure you are added to DSACK's database so that we may best serve you.  Completing this form will help connect you to DSACK's many services, programs and our supportive community.  Please complete all required fields.  If you do not have information for a field, please enter N/A.  If you have questions, please email courtney.dsack@gmail.com or call (859) 494-7809
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Email *
Name of Baby with Down Syndrome *
Due Date or Birthdate of Baby with Down Syndrome *
Are you an expectant parent, new parent, or other (ex: have an older child and just moved to KY). Please specify below so we can best serve you. *
Parent(s) Names *
Parent's Email *
Additional Parent's Email
Parent Address *
Parent Phone number *
Parent Additional Phone Number
I grant permission and would welcome the following forms of communication from DSACK sent to the contact information provided above: *
Any additional information you want to share with DSACK?  For instance, medical/health conditions, primary language, siblings, etc? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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