Chelsea Jamboree T-shirt Pre-orders
Pre-order before September 29th to guarantee your shirt! Orders must be paid for before they will be printed. Shirts will be available at the Chamber Booth at the Jamboree but very limited quantities will be available as there will be limited stock.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Phone Number *
Please add shirt quantity below. 
Small - $20
Medium  - $20
Large  - $20
X-Large  - $20
2X - $25
3X  - $25
4X  - $25
5X  - $25
T-Shirt Preview
Want to be a sponsor on the back of the shirt? $25 per sponsor.
This is a great way to advertise your business for years to come!
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Name or company information 
Thank you for your order. Kendel will contact you for payment!
Questions: Call Kendel at 918-695-8616. 
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