Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Form
Dear (potential) member of staff or trustee,

To strengthen the equity, diversity and inclusion within our organisation, and to create an equitable, diverse, inclusive and fair work place, we would kindly ask you to fill in this form for our records.

All of your data from this self-disclosure form will be collected, stored and processed in accordance with The Girls' Network Data Protection Policy. Your unanonymised data will be used solely for internal purposes and will not be shared with third party.

Thank you very much in advance!
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First name
Last name
Are you currently working for The Girls' Network (as a member of staff or trustee)? *
Position (or position applying for)
If you are applying for an opportunity: Where did you learn about the opportunity you are applying for?
Date of birth
Which best describes your gender? *
Which best describes your sexual orientation? *
Do you consider yourself to live with a disability? *
Please feel free to include any additional information below.
Do you consider yourself to have a religion, if so which? *
Which best describes your ethnic identity? *
We have presented ethnicity options as shown on the UK census.
What type of school did you attend between the ages 11 and 18? *
Were you eligible for Free School Meals at any point during your school career? *
What is the highest level of qualification achieved by your parent/s guardian/s by the time you were 18? *
What is your current highest level of qualification? *
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