SNHS Tutor Request
Tutoring must be held in a teacher's classroom (with teacher present). Your tutor can work with you to select a convenient classroom AND check with that teacher PRIOR TO the tutoring session to be sure it's ok to use their room.
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Advisor/Homeroom Teacher *
First Name *
Last Name *
Your PERSONAL (not Cobb) email address (one that you check frequently): *
Phone Number *
. (Please add dashes: XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Are you a student in a STEM pathway? *
Which science class do you need help in? *
Times you are available for tutoring: (Note: It can be difficult to match you with a tutor if your availability is limited. List all possible times you are available.) *
Are you available before or after school?
Times you are available for tutoring: (Note: It can be difficult to match you with a tutor if your availability is limited. List all possible times you are available.) *
Are you available during lunch?
Times you are available for tutoring: (Note: It can be difficult to match you with a tutor if your availability is limited. List all possible times you are available.) *
Are you available during WEB?
Why do you need tutoring?
Check all that apply.
Did your parents ask you to request tutoring? *
Please read the following statement. *
Once an appointment has been established with a tutor, you are responsible for attending the session. Tutoring is scheduled at the convenience of both students. Failure to attend may result in suspension of this service for you. If you experience any problems with your tutor, please report the issue to Ms. Howard (408 or by email Anything you share will be held in confidence.
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