Youth Podcast Application
Thank you for your interest in creating and hosting your own podcast about the sexual health of teenagers!
Research topics, interview subjects and create digital content for your podcast.

We are looking for: motivated, creative and outgoing high school students passionate about the experiences of teens. For more information contact: Jim Rhyne at
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
What high school do you attend? *
What is your graduating year? *
Why do you want to be a part of this program? *
What are you involved in or passionate about? Ex: sports, community service, clubs *
What subjects would you like to feature in your podcast and why? *
Are you available on Saturdays for trainings (# and hours to be determined)? *
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, what means of transportation will you use to get to the trainings? *
Please include the name and email address of a reference. Ex: teacher or counselor *
Please include the name and email address of another reference. Ex: teacher or counselor *
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