Student Information - 2018 FRC Team
Information is confidential, and will only be used by the Team's Head Mentors and School Liaison for team-related business and communications.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
GBHS Student ID Number *
Birthday *
Graduation Year *
Student E-Mail Address *
Student Cell Phone Number (XXX) XXX-XXXX *
Student Home Phone Number (XXX) XXX-XXXX *
Text Messages *
Do you receive Text Messages as part of your cell phone plan?
Student Primary Residence is with: *
Student Primary Address: *
Student has been officially diagnosed with the following Learning and/or Behavioral Disabilities/Disorders: *
Please select all that apply
Student Allergies or Special Food Needs: *
Additional Information
Please list any additional information that you think would be important for Clinton and Brandi to know:
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