Write for us Or Exchange Links

Our Goal

Any Tech Guide, is basically an information site. Here we can share any kind of informative knowledge, tech news, and some kind of Tech guides. So you are allowed to write any tech-related content for us. We are allowed you to link max 3 URLs with our site (We provide you with a do-follow on it).

What we need from you

You can add our minimum 2 link (home page URL or take any blog you want) on your website. The link must be needed do-Follow. Also (The link category must be needed to same as our category)

Post Requirement's

  • Must be written in human words (NO AI, NO TRANSLATION CONTENT, NO COPY CONTENT)
  • Minimum words is 1000+ with min 2 images (copyright free {Best if you make it})
  • Image Must be in .webp format (Max file size per image: 25kb and Width 640px max)
  • You can add max 2 links with your sites. (Link category must be same as our goal)
  • No allowed to add other links like affiliates.
  • Add H1-H4 properly.
  • Keyword research and SEO writing must.


Our team will check your content properly. So, if they find its thin content (plagiarized, translated, AI, No human words) then it will never post on our site (Be professional). After the published post, If your link is updated or moved then contact us we will update your link immediately.

Our Rights

  • Remove broken links you can provide. (Contact us to update your link if it is broken or moved)
  • We can make any changes to the post.
  • We have full copyright. So if you accept then never republish it anywhere. (Our team regularly checks it)
  • If you remove linked our site with your website or change it no-follow then we can remove your also.

When it will be published on our site

If your post matched 100% with our requirements then it will be published within days.

                                      We are happy to build a link with you.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name *
Give a URL where you linked our site *
Paste here your Article/Blog
Special Linking 
If your post category matched our one of posts then you can request us to link with your post. You just need to add our homepage or any post URL on your site (must be do-follow). Then provide us the URL where you add it. We can check it. If all ok, we will add your provided URL to our post with do-follow linking. After linking we can message you via email. If we didn't respond within 7 days then you can remove our link from your site.

Now Provide the URL where you add our link, then give your link and comment on which post you want to link it to.
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このコンテンツは Google が作成または承認したものではありません。