The Aftermarket Intel Trade Show Survey
If your company will exhibit at a trade show this year (or several!), we'd love to hear from you.
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What's a booth visit? Find out here.
First name *
Last name *
Title *
What company do you work for? *

What products does your company make?

Which trade show or shows is your company exhibiting at this year?
What products will you exhibit at this show or shows or what is the focus for you this year?
This last question is just out of our curiosity and won't be included in a story. What trade shows have you attended in the last five years? (Please select all that apply.)
Would you like some help promoting the fact that your company will be exhibiting at these shows? (We can send you information on promoting your company and its products/technologies at the show).
If you work in marketing and advertising for your company, would you like to receive the Aftermarket Intel media kit with our offerings, including opportunities to promote your company's products and services and be interviewed for future videos and stories?
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