The Faroese questionnaire (ENG), PT2
Dear All!

My name is Konstantin Satdarov, and I am a student of National Research University 'Higher School of Economics' in Moscow. The current research subject in which I am interested is Scandinavian languages and, in particular, the Faroese language.

I woud really like to thank all of you who have taken part in the previous survey I conducted several weeks ago. Your answers mean a lot to me, and they are really helpful. However, I need your help once again. It would be much appreciated if you filled in the current form so that I can clarify the data I have gathered for the description of the Faroese reflexives with -st or reflexive pronouns.

The form is anonymous, but it is required to collect basic information about the respondents so as to have a possiblity draw certain conclusions about the potential language variety. I would also kindly ask you to share this questionnaire with your acquaintances whose mother tongue is also Faroese. If needed or if you would like to help me with the research, you can contact me via e-mail:

The form consists of 4 sections:
- Section 1 is dedicated to translating several English sentenses into Faroese.
- Section 2 is the biggest one, and you have to evaluate how the given sentences sound to you (natural, too literate or archaic, rather artificial, or unnatural). Correct those which don't sound good.
- Section 3 has to do with explaining the differences between two constructions in Faroese.
- Section 4 may seem the easiest one because all you have to do is to write what you personally feel about the use of a particular thing in the Faroese language.

I hope that this questionnaire will also be interesting and, perhaps, less boring than the previous one (sorry!).
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