Volunteer Application- SDCC 2024
The California Browncoats Organization is 100% volunteer run. We could not exist without people like you who dedicate time out of their convention to volunteer for a good cause.

Unfortunately, you will need your own ticket/badge to the convention to volunteer.

Please fill out this form and we will get back to you with a schedule and our handbook for the con - this can take a few days; be patient with us, this ship requires a lot of maintenance, Cap'n. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
To confirm, you DO HAVE YOUR OWN BADGE to the Con, right? *
Phone *
Have you volunteered at the California Browncoats Booth in the past? *
Volunteering Preference
What is the maximum number of hours you are willing to work in one day?
Clear selection
What is the maximum number of days you are willing to work?
Are you available for Preview Night Wednesday? If so, what times?
Please select all that apply
Are you available Thursday? If so, what times?
Please select all that apply
Are you available Friday? If so, what times?
Please select all that apply.

Are you available Saturday? If so, what times?
Please select all that apply.

Are you available Sunday? If so, what times?
Please select all that apply.

Volunteers have access to our Drawer of Forbidden Carbs! Any special requests? Any food allergies?
Any questions for us or things we should be aware of?
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