Welcome to the 6th Annual Podcast Post-Production Survey!

The 6th Annual Podcast Editor Idustry Survey explores what Podcast Editors are charging and uncovers the factors that impact those rates.

Thank you in advance for your input!

Once you complete the survey, you will be given access to the results of the 5th Annual Survey completed last year!

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How to answer this survey
1. Use your best estimates.

2. While you will be asked about additional services you might provide, like podcast management or coaching or video shorts, etc... the questions about what you would charge should only pertain to the post-production of the audio example listed below.

3. The scenario: You've been contracted to work on the following AUDIO podcast episode:
  • Edit 60 minutes of raw audio, such as an interview show with basic intro/outro
  • Basic noise reduction and volume leveling
  • Perform a detailed edit (remove verbal crutches, dogs barking, etc)
  • Assemble the episode with music, bumpers, etc. and send the final mp3 to your client

What would you CHARGE for the example above (USD only please)? *
In NUMBER OF MINUTES, how long would it typically take you to complete the task? *
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