Learn all of "The Silver Scream 2: Welcome to Horrorwood" in Sugarman's Lesson Lounge | - Brought to you by Slipstream
🩸 Yooo! Dan from Ice Nine Kills here — I’ve been building out something close to my heart for the last few years... Well, I've actually been stewing on this idea and working on different iterations of it for the last decade, but - I want this to be the beginning wave of what it will be 🤘

I want to invite you into my Lesson Lounge, to learn exactly how I play each and every song off of “Welcome to Horrorwood” - all directly from the horses mouth. I am the horse in this situation. What a weird saying. I am Dan. I am not a horse. 

In this course taught by a human, I'll break down each section, and answer your questions live along the way. Struggling with a particular part? Raise your hand, and I'll bring you on screen so I can directly help you break through what you struggle with… 

Watch and learn from others asking questions you wouldn’t have thought of… Pick things up from the tips I give them, and apply everything that you can to your own playing.

The magic of the group mind chemistry can now happen in my Live Group Sessions brought to you by Slipstream \m/

You are signing up to be contacted when these live group classes launch, and to aid me in honing in how to make this all happen in the smoothest and most effective way… You fugging rule, and I will not forget that when the actual tickets go live ;) 

🩸 Be sure to drop your primary email below (the one you check the most) 
What is your Primary Email Address? (A.k.a - which one does Jeff Bezos know?)
What are you willing to spend on a 2 day Live Group Masterclass?  *
It will likely be 2 separate 1+ hour sessions over a weekend (Saturday & Sunday). 

I will likely do 1 song per weekend, and week by week work our way through the entirety of our latest record, “Welcome to Horrorwood” over the course of a few months. 

I would perform the song, then teach a section in full exactly how I play it, take questions from the group on the section, and move forward. The speed of absorption by you all, plus the depth of the questions you ask will determine the length of each session \m/ 
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What types of things do you struggle with most on the guitar?
Please try to be in depth!
What songs do you want to learn the most? *
What level player do you consider yourself to be? *
If you could, would you get the whole live sessions bundle to learn the entire record directly from me over the course of a 3-4 months? (1 song per weekend) *
That Bundle... if you said yes above - what is the right price of a 13 song live group session masterclass over a few months for you?
Consider this — there are 13 songs on the record, which comes out to 13 weekends spent together… or 26 days, with at least 1 hour per day (likely 2 or more)…

You’d be getting direct tutoring and insight from me for anywhere from 26-52 hours of lesson time. If you consider that I charge $175 for private 1-on-1 lessons... then we can begin to do some whacky math.  

Trust me, I will not be charging anywhere near that for the hourly of everything - but in that perspective, that would be an estimate of somewhere between $4,550-$9,100 in lesson time value. 

Don’t even think that it has to be close to that number - but I want to take the temperature on this idea for those of you who are super interested \m/ So please just let me know what you think it’s worth and what you could actually spend on this. 

Note - payment plans may be an option! 
What’s the best way to contact you?
Email? Text? Instagram? Drop your info down below to make that as easy as possible if you’re down \m/
Do you have any questions that I can answer about this that would help you make a better informed decision?
For instance | Yes, if you miss a class you paid for, you will get a recording of that class! If you didn’t even know about the live events, and want to see a previous live session, you can also purchase that class individually, or a-la-carte  \m/
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