AVCX Expansion Survey
As of January 1, 2025, the AVCX will no longer be linked with Puzzmo, the company that supported us with pretty dang remarkable generosity for the past two years of our expansion. With gratitude to them, we are now preparing to adjust our funding model in the coming years to continue our expanded content at a sustainable level. Your input will help us do so in a way that matches the preferences of our solvers.
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In the past three years (or less if you're a new subscriber), how have you felt about the expanded AVCX overall?
How often do you regularly solve the AVCX Classic puzzle? *
How often do you regularly solve the AVCX+ (themeless) puzzle? *
How often do you regularly solve the Lil AVC X puzzle (the midi)? *
How often do you regularly solve the Trivia puzzle? *
How often do you regularly solve the AVCX Cryptic? *
Which feature(s) do you feel like provide the most value for your subscription?
How do you feel about the amount of content the AVCX currently provides each week?
If the AVCX converted to a pay-what-you-want model, about how much would you pay for an annual subscription?
Is there anything you'd like to tell us about how we're doing, how you feel about the AVCX currently, what you'd like to see added or changed, or how you'd like to see the puzzles grow in the future?
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