Monterey Parent Survey - Remote and Flexible Learning
This survey asks you to consider the way Monterey Secondary College has transitioned to Remote and Flexible Learning during the time the school has been closed due to the COVID-19 crisis. Please answer all questions as well as you can given the experience or you and your child(ren)

If any questions don't apply to your situation, you may leave these blank
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Not applicable
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Overall I have been satisfied with the way the school has managed its transition to remote and flexible learning
The school has kept me updated during its transition to remote and flexible learning
The school has been responsive to any requests for support or information that I have made
I know how to contact the school if I need help or support with something
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Support provided by school
Not applicable
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I have been satisfied with how the school has supported the welbeing of my child(ren)
I have been satisfied with how the school has supported my child(ren)'s engagement with school during the remote and flexible learning period
I have been satisfied with how the school has supported the learning of my child(ren)
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Availability of support for students
Not applicable
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
When my child(ren) need help with their learning, they are able to access that help
When my child(ren) need help with their learning, they know who to ask for help at the school
Clear selection
Internet access and connectivity
Not applicable
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I have been satisfied with the way the school has supported students to access the internet to continue their learning
I have been satisfied with the way the school has supported students to obtain devices (laptops etc,) to continue their learning
Clear selection
Have you been contacted via telephone by the school during this remote and flexible learning
Clear selection
Has your child been contacted via telephone by a member of the Monterey staff to support their learning and engagement?
Clear selection
What have been the main things the school has done well during this period?
What are the main things the school could improve in the way they're managing during this period?
Do you have any other questions or feedback about the school's transition to remote and flexible learning?
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