End of Habitat Lesson Check in!
That was a fun lesson now let's check in to see what we have learned, this check in will not be graded but try your best! I want to see if you understood the lesson and information we learned about today!
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What animals can you find in the polar habitat? (must name at least one)
0 poin
What habitat covers 70% of the earth's surface?
0 poin
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What habitat can jellyfish be found in?
0 poin
Batalkan pilihan
Which habitat would you want to live in?
Forest Park in Oregon is an example of what kind of habitat?
0 poin
Batalkan pilihan
What habitat do you think this animal belongs in?
0 poin
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Did this lesson make sense to you? How do you feel about it?
Really confused, didn't learn anything
Learned a lot and feel I understand habitats
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What habitat or animal do you want to learn more about?
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