Sign our open letter

We’re Backing Britain, will you? 

(Read letter, if you agree then add your company, name and press submit. We will add your name to our letter which will be sent to every MP on the 6th December)

The Made in Group and our member businesses want to see a resurgence of UK manufacturing and call on the Government to prioritise this vital sector.

A robust manufacturing sector not only strengthens economic prosperity and helps address our national debt but is also a critical driver of future national security and resilience. 

It is our firm belief that with the right policies and support in place the UK can further advance its position as the 8th largest industrial nation globally 

The Made in Group strongly encourages the Government to build upon recent successes and to debate and act upon:

  • Strengthening and safeguarding Britain’s manufacturing capacity

  • Appointing a Minister for Manufacturing. 

  • Addressing concerns related to the ownership of British businesses


Our members have observed a trend of British industries being acquired by foreign companies. While these acquisitions bring significant benefits and highlight the positive contributions of global businesses, it’s important to balance this with ensuring UK ownership in supply chains to enhance resilience and foster future companies.

We encourage the Government to research the social benefits of UK-headquartered companies versus wholly foreign-owned subsidiaries. This should include examining supply chain spending, supplier locations, management costs repatriated to parent companies, and potential national security risks.

This approach does not undermine the value of global investment but aims to strengthen domestic capability and ownership, supporting supply chain resilience while recognising the contributions of international businesses to the UK economy.

Minister for Manufacturing

We call on the Government to seriously consider appointing a dedicated Minister who would advocate for the sector’s interests and ensure its concerns are heard at the highest levels of government.

We appreciate your attention to these crucial matters and stand ready to provide any additional information or engage in further discussions to support the continued growth of UK manufacturing.

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Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, just press the submit button to add your name to our campaign to support British Industry.

The Made in Group will only be using the information provided in connection with the Made in Group's Backing Britain Campaign. You will not receive marketing messages from third party and your data will not be sold.
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