Booking Request Form
Please complete and submit the request form.  You will be contacted to finalize the booking request.
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Please provide the information below so that we can begin processing your booking request.
What is your name? *
List the name(s), gender(s), breed(s), age(s), and weight(s) of your pet(s). *
Please list the birthday or "gotcha" day of your pet(s).  (Please include month, day, and year, ex. 03/04/2021)
Check all that apply to your pet(s). *
Which service are you interested in booking? (Tons of pics and communication updates are sent for all services). *
What date(s) are you requesting for the service?     *
What time(s) are you requesting for the service?: 
For PUPCATION BOARDING and DOGGY DAYCARE, please list the drop off AND pick up time that you'd prefer (i.e. 10am for drop off; 7 pm for pick-up).  
For DROP-IN CARE VISITS, 10-MINUTE TINKLE TIME SESSIONS, and NATURE WALKS, please list two hour time window(s) that you would like the service(s) to take place within (i.e. 8am-10am; 10am-12pm; 4pm-6pm; 6p-8pm, etc)
If your requested time(s) is/are unavailable, we will reach out with alternate times for you to select from.
Please provide the telephone number and/or email address where we may contact you to complete the booking. *
Please provide any SECONDAY OWNER(S') name and number for your pet (other than yourself).  This person may be contacted in the event of an emergency if you are unable to be reached. By listing them as the emergency contact, you give them authorization to make decisions on your behalf in your absence.  You also give My Heart Is For Paws permission to provide information and/or release your furry family member(s) to the secondary owner.  If a seconday owner is not applicable, please list N/A.
Please provide an EMERGENCY CONTACT name and number for your pet (other than yourself).  This person may be contacted in the event of an emergency if you are unable to be reached. By listing them as the emergency contact, you give them authorization to make decisions on your behalf in your absence.  You also give My Heart Is For Paws permission to provide information and/or release your furry family member(s) to the emergency contact. *
Please read our terms and policies below required for booking. Note: Our full service agreement, among other important documents, will be emailed to you once your request is reviewed and processed.
 PAYMENT: Your reservation will be held until the due date indicated at the top of the invoice.  Failure to remit payment by the due date listed may result in loss of availability and pricing for your request. MODIFICATION POLICY: Please notify us as soon as possible if you need to make changes to your booking.  We will try as best as possible to accommodate your needs.  Modifications/changes, pending availability, to service times/dates made less than 12 hours before the start of the service or after the start of the service will be assessed a late notice modification fee.  CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations made at least 24 hours BEFORE the START of the service are fully refundable (minus any applicable processing fees).  Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the start of the service or after the start of the service will result in a 50% cancellation penalty.  SHORT NOTICE BOOKINGS: Bookings that are requested and start less than 24 hours of the request are assessed a small expedited processing fee.  TIMELINESS: We honor your time by reserving a specific time for drop-off and pick-up just for you!  In order to honor everyone's time and the daily schedule of activities for the pups, it is important that you are on time.  In the event that you realize you are running earlier or later than scheduled, please let us know as soon as possible.  We are happy to make adjustments as the current availability allows.  Untimeliness may result in a late notice modification fee as well as any additional applicable fees.  Excessive and/or recurring tardiness may result in cancellation of services and/or refusal of future services.   *
HEALTH AND SAFETY DISCLAIMER: My Heart Is For Paws strives to deliver premium services and a "happy tails experience" for all animals in our care. For this reason, animals experiencing symptoms of illness and/or communicable disease (diarrhea, bloody stool, vomiting, eye/nose discharge, coughing, fleas, ticks, etc.) and/or aggression towards other animals or people can not be serviced. If this occurs while a service is being rendered, My Heart Is For Paws reserves the right to discontinue service at that time/the pet will be asked to be picked up immediately by yourself or listed emergency contact. Please be sure to disclose all health concerns, conditions, and behaviors at the time of your booking request.  If your pup(s) will require medication during his/her stay, please be advised that some medications/conditions require a doctor’s note for admittance. Please be sure to disclose any medication administration that may be needed during the service at the time of your booking request.  If you have specific questions regarding your pet and rendering of service, please do not hesitate to ask. *

*Good with people and other dogs (does not have to be a social butterfly but cannot be vicious)

*Up to date on flea/tick preventative medication AND free of fleas and ticks

*Up to date on vaccines (see vaccine requirements below)

Vaccination Information:

For “PUPcation” Boarding and Doggy Daycare admittance, each guest must be up-to-date on vaccines and flea/tick preventative medication.  Guests needing vaccination updates must have their vaccinations administered under the care of a licensed veterinarian at least 48 hours prior to arrival. Individual circumstances may be considered with written documentation from the pup’s veterinarian.  Current vaccination records/veterinarian certificate indicating current vaccinations may be submitted after confirmation of the booking to

Required Vaccinations:

*Bordetella (Kennel Cough)-1 or 3 year vaccine required

*Distemper (DHPP) OR DPP with Adenovirus (Distemper, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza)-1 or 3 year vaccine required

*Rabies- 1 or 3 year vaccine required

Highly Recommended (but not required) Vaccinations:

*Canine Influenza


As you may be aware, there is a concerning canine respiratory illness spreading across several U.S. states (primarily in the Pacific Northwest and Northeast states right now).  The exact virus or bacteria responsible is currently unknown.  Affected dogs are displaying severe respiratory symptoms and pneumonia.

Please know that the safety of your fur babies are our top priority.  With strict sanitation practices and health policies in place, we strive to ensure the "happy tails" experience for all of our pup guests.   As a part of our health and safety practices, your response to the following wellness screening question is a proactive measure required at the time of your booking request and again prior to rendering of services.

Is your pup currently experiencing or have experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 10 days:
-eye/nasal discharge
-loss of appetite
-difficulty breathing
What is your preferred method of payment?  Instructions for payment submission will be included on your invoice, which will be sent to your email once your request has been approved. *
Please answer the questions below to help us provide the best "happy tails" experience for you pet(s)!  If you are a repeat/returning family, you do not need to answer these questions unless you have new information or something has changed.
What is your pet's sleeping/napping arrangement at home? (Please note:  A comfy kennel/crate and soft bedding is standard for all PUPcations.  If your pup is not accustomed to comfortably sleeping in a crate/kennel at home, you should select one of the sleeping arrangement upgrades in the V.I.P. Treatment section at the end of this form). *
Check all that apply to your pet(s).
Tell us a little about your pup(s) personality.  What does your pet(s) like to do for fun?
What is your pets(s) schedule of care (feeding times and serving sizes, potty regimen/how often, exercise routines/activities, medication administration, etc.)? If you’d prefer an “on-demand schedule” (food and water would be left out for pet to feed when he/she desires, potty breaks would be provided every 2-3 hours or on demand, and supervised outdoor exercise/walks would be provided 2-3 times a day).
If your pet has any dietary restrictions, allergies, physical restrictions, special needs, and/or behavior concerns, please list them here.  
What can we do to make your pet feel most at home and have an incredible experience while in our care?
Occasionally, we prepare special treats to share with the pups as well as play treat-driven games.  These treats may include puppuchinos, baked chicken, bacon, protein treats, or dog-friendly holiday snacks.  Is your pup allowed to have such treats?
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What else would you like to share about your pet(s)?
You have the option to spoil your pup with any of these Happy Tails Extras! (These add-ons are for "PUPcation" boarding, doggy daycare, or drop-in care visits only.)
Please select the add-ons, if any, that you would like to spoil your pup with during his/her experience. (For "PUPcation" boarding, doggy daycare, or drop-in care visits only.)
How many servings of the above selected treat(s) would you like to spoil your pup with?
Provide any comments or specific instructions/requests for the happy tails add-on(s) that you selected (i.e. ground beef for the chicken pot pie; omit the scrambled egg on the protein bowl).
You have the option to spoil your pup with any of these V.I.P Treatment Upgrades during his/her experience! (These upgrades are for "PUPcation" boarding only)
Sleeping Arrangement Upgrades: A comfy kennel/crate and soft bedding is standard for all PUPcations. If you prefer that your pup not sleep in a crate/kennel OR your pup is not accustomed to comfortably sleeping in a crate/kennel, please select one of the sleeping upgrades below.  (For "PUPcation" boarding only.) *
Additional Upgrades
Provide any comments or specific instructions/requests for the V.I.P Treatment Upgrades that you selected.
Please share with is how you found us!  We would love to know!
Please let us know how you found us.
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If this is your first service with us and you were referred to us by one of our wonderful existing clients, please let us know who!  We'd love to thank them!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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