USJGMA Student Application
Application to enroll into U.S. Jow Ga Martial Arts.
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Email *
Introduction Video
Name of Participant (First and Last Name) *
Participant's Birthday *
Students get started in our program because it's more than just learning the moves. Tell us, what' your number 1 goal for martial arts training? *
What is your biggest struggle in life? *
What have you tried so far to address this? *
Have you ever been in a goal specific martial arts or fitness program before? If so, when and for how long... *
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 meaning you'll do anything to achieve that goal and stop the struggle as long as it's easy and 100% works, where do you think you are? *
We believe that starting a life changing martial arts program for is a big decision. Can all financial decision makers be present during the evaluation lesson, or can you make a financial decision WITHOUT your spouse's input? *
If you are accepted into our program, how soon are looking to get started in a virtual or in-person martial arts program? *
USJGMA may not be the cheapest but we will help you achieve your goals and blast through your struggles (if you're a fit). With that said, are you willing to invest financially to reach those goals? *
If after your evaluation lesson it's a great fit for both parties, we will ask you to make a "YES" or "NO" decision at the end of the lesson. If you liked what you heard and saw, are you prepared to invest a deposit at the end of the lesson to reserve your place in the program? *
Do you have any medical concerns that we should be aware of? If yes, please specify. *
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