Speaker Application
Fill out this form only for yourself - not for any third party! Speaker application by PR, marketing or sales departments will be rejected.

We will announce the date and location of Machine Learning Week Europe 2025 soon. You can already apply and we will contact you to confirm your availability as soon as date and location are confirmed.


- Please ensure that the following email address is correct and you will check it regularly. We will only use this email address to contact you. If you don't answer, we will remove your application from the list.
- Please also check for a copy of your application once you have completed and submitted this form.
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Email *
Academic title
You have a PHD and you want it to be mentioned in the agenda? Then please add your academic titles here.
First name *
Last name *
Job title *
Company *
Vita *
Please provide a continuous text about yourself - NO bullet points! Please use the third person. (maximum of 500 characters)
Country *
Please don't name the federal state but e.g. "USA".
Do you need a visa to come to Germany? *
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