Work of Art Mentor Application
Thank you for your interest as a mentor with Work of Art! We LOVE mentors and we would love the opportunity to work with you! Please review the role and expectations of a mentor below.
What is the role of a Mentor?
Mentorship plays a huge role in the success of our program and of course is very rewarding! Each mentor is paired with a mentee ages 13-18. Pairing is based on common interests, characteristics expressed in each application and post-secondary plans of each mentee. The mentor can serve in the capacity friend and confidant to provide support in the following areas: academics, career exploration, emotional/social and assist in cultivating positive new experiences.
Expectations of a Mentor
Mentors MUST have a valid driver’s license and insurance in order to transport the young ladies.
Mentors must also undergo a background check.
Make a point to meet your mentee’s parent/guardian(s) early in the relationship.
Create a communication system with your mentee and their parent (Group chat, Group Me and phone calls).
Communicate regularly with mentee and parent.
Scheduled Events
Attend one of two Wednesday workshops per month.
Attend each at least 5 (50%) of the planned Saturday events with your mentee.
Time with your Mentee
We ask that mentors commit to spending a minimum of four to six hours each month with their youth.
Group activities are fun, but it is our hope that the mentor and youth will spend time together, just the two of you. This time may be spent in a number of ways.
Attend special events such as Recognition and Awards Ceremonies for your mentee if available.
If you are all set, complete this application in its entirety and a member from our team will contact you shortly. Thank you for your interest in Work of Art!