Holiday Commission form
Hello there lovely listeners! Would you like to receive or send a special Holiday themed audio? I'm offering hugely discounted audios to my Patrons, and to most folks from now until December 30th. (Please keep in mind that turn around time may be affected by the holiday season.) 

What I am offering:
  • An audio message, up to five minutes, from your favorite character/OC for free if you're a Patron. It can be spicy, sexy, funny, cute, or uplifting/affirming.
  • If you've been a Patron for longer than 6 months, you'll be able to get up to Five additional minutes, for free. In other words, you can get an audio up to 10 minutes long for free.
  • If you've been a Patron for over a year you can get up to 15 minutes of audio for free!
  • If you'd like to commission an audio without being a Patron, you can still get a free audio if it's under 5 minutes.
If you have a script you'd like me to use in the greeting or message, I'll happily reduce prices as well. Improvisation for audios over 10 minutes can be difficult without a generalized idea of what you want to hear.

As always, I take Paypal, Ko-Fi, Venmo, and OnlyFans for payment options.

-Mazaris Moundshroud
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Email *
How should I contact you about your commission? Please list your email, messaging system, or best method of contact. *
How would you like to Pay?
I will provide the Paypal or Venmo on request through private message.
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Is your request SFW or NSFW? *
Will you be providing any script or Prompt?  *
If you have a prompt let me know what you'd like to hear:
How long would you like your audio to be? *
Which Character(s) do you want to hear? Examples: Mazaris, Louie, Prince Sebastian, Prince Blake, Nightcrawler, Beast (Hank McCoy), Santa, or Krampus. Max number of characters is 4.
What kind of audio would you like? (SFW) 
What Kind of themes would you like? (NSFW) 
Max number of choices: 
If you chose the threeway or orgy option, list the characters you want to hear. 

Please keep in mind this will raise the price of the commission.

If you did not select this option, please write N/A
Are there any names/nicknames you'd like to be used throughout your audio?
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