Spelthorne Museum: Community Consultation
We would be grateful to hear your thoughts on how Spelthorne Museum can develop what we offer to local people when we move to our new location in 2025 as part of the Community Hub in central Staines. Your views will be extremely valuable in helping us to develop our plans. 

This is an anonymous consultation, however, you do have the option to share an email address with us at the end of the form if you would like to hear more regarding this project or future volunteering opportunities with the museum. This phase of consultation closes on the 31st of December 2024. 

Thank you for your support!
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1. Please select the area in Spelthorne in which you live, or whether you are a visitor from outside of the area.  *
2. Please select the category that best describes you when sharing your views on Spelthorne Museum: *
3. Have you visited Spelthorne Museum in its current site within Staines Library before?  *
4. If you answered yes to the question above and have visited the museum before, please share the main reasons why you chose to visit (tick all that apply): 
5. If you answered yes to the question above and have visited the museum before, please share any views - negative or positive - about your experience visiting the current museum:
6. If you answered no to the question above and have not visited the museum before, please share the main reasons why you have not visited (tick all that apply):
7. If you are a school representative, please share with us what you would like to see offered to your school by the museum in its new location (it could be class resources, workshops, new items on display or similar):
8. How important do you think it is for Spelthorne to have a free museum for our area? *
Not at all important
Very important
9. How important do you think it is that artefacts from Spelthorne are preserved for future generations?  *
Not at all important
Very important
10. How important do you think it is for Spelthorne Museum to provide activities on-site to local schools (for example workshops related to the curriculum)? *
Not at all important
Very important
11. How important do you think it is for Spelthorne Museum to provide activities on-site to the wider local community (for example family groups, young people, care homes and others)? *
Not at all important
Very important
12. If you could pick an event, workshop or exhibition to be hosted at Spelthorne Museum for you and/or your family, friends or wider community, what would it be?  *
13. What other local free/low cost spaces, attractions or events do you enjoy visiting in the local area, and what do you most like about them?  *
14. Finally, do you have any other thoughts or suggestions for Spelthorne Museum that would encourage you to visit our new location in 2025?
OPTIONAL: If you would like to talk further about this project, or to discuss volunteering with the museum in the future, please make a brief note of your interest below and include your name and email address. One of the team will get in touch with you soon.

We will only use this information to contact you regarding the Spelthorne Museum move or Volunteering:
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