Understanding the Traffic Situation in Your Locality
We know that you would like to contribute in improving the transport situation in  your locality and we would be grateful for your opinion. Help us understand travel patterns and the factors that influence modal choice.   NO PERSONAL INFORMATION IS BEING COLLECTED
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Gender *
Nationality *
Where do you live (residence)? *
Age *
If you are under 18 years of age, would you do any of these things when you turn 18 years old: *
Do you... *
Which of these best describes your status (if other please specify) *
On a typical day where do you travel to (work, education, leisure, etc.)? *
How many people (including yourself) live in the household? *
How many people aged UNDER 18 years of age live in the household *
Do you hold a valid driving license to drive *
How many cars do you have in your household? *
How many motorcycles do you have in your household? *
Have you got a garage? *
If you have a garage, do you: *
If you make use of your car for your primary commuting journey (to work, education, leisure, etc.), are you alone in the vehicle? *
If you make use of your car for your primary commuting journey, do you experience any delays and if you do, by how much during the AM and PM Peak (on average)? *
If you make use of your car for your primary commuting journey, did you change your routine to beat traffic congestion? *
If you make use of your car for your primary commuting journey, does your destination have on-site parking (parking within the premises)? *
If you make use of your car for your primary commuting journey, how long do you take to park at your destination? *
If there is lack of parking at your desired destination (work/school/shopping/leisure)  do you: *
In a typical week, what mode of transport did you use to reach your destination *
Public Transport (Bus)
Car (Driver)
Car (Passenger)
Used a combination of listed modes of travel
Travel to Work
Travel for Business
Travel to School/Educational purpose (Daytime)
Travel to Private Lessons/ Evening Classes/Extra curricular Activities
Travel to carry out Errands and Shopping
Travel to destinations within the locality where you live
What is your primary commuting trip typically like *

How many times do you use the bus in a week?

What is your opinion on public transport (scheduled bus service) *
Very Good
Very Poor
Extremely Poor
Access to this mode
Information about routes and timetables
Distance between bus stops
Frequency of Service
Personal safety
Reliable and Punctual
Interchanges - allowing you to switch from one bus to another
Quality of Bus Shelters
Night Service
Driving Style of Bus Driver

Are you left stranded on the bus stop because the bus is full-up during peak hours? Feel free to describe your experience  in the space provided


Do you usually walk from one bus stop to another to increase the possibility of catching a bus?

Do you have a "TALLINJA CARD"? *
Do you commute or travel by bicycle? *
If you don't use cycle to any of your destinations, would you consider this mode of transport? *
If you answered NO to the previous question, why is that ? *
Would you be interested in FREE cycling lessons offered by the Local Council ? *
Is there anything you feel keeps your from walking and cycling within the locality? *
What can be done to help you reduce the need to travel by car and increase the use of alternative modes of travel such as walking, cycling, public transport etc.? *
Are there any formal public FREE parking areas in your locality or your frequent destination? *
Are you satisfied with the current arrangement of public parking attendants taking care of public parking areas? *
Do you give a "donation" to the parking attendant? *
If you do give a "donation" how much do you give to the parking attendant? *
How would you improve the traffic situation in your Locality? *
How do you rate the current transport situation in your locality? *
What do you think is the main problem with the transport situation in your Locality *
What do YOU suggest should be done to improve the transport situation in your Locality *

Do you want us to keep you updated, with job opportunities,  surveys, questionnaires, opportunities for training and courses, and/or other initiatives?  Leave your email address below.

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