CPA Firm Address Change
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Individuals who have both a license and a registered CPA firm must submit two change of address forms: one for the permit holder and another for the CPA firm. Changing the licensee address does not automatically update the CPA firm address with the Board.

Likewise, changing a CPA firm address does not change the addresses for the licensed employees of the CPA firm.

Oregon Administrative Rule 801-030-0020 requires all permit holders to notify the Board within 30 days of any change in mailing address or business connection or employer.
CPA Firms please use this form to report any changes to the Board.

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CPA Firm Change of Address Form
CPA Firm, Business Name: *
Person Requesting Address Change:
Firm License Number: *
Email: *
Change of Email Address:
Address: (mailing)
Address: (physical)
Changing the CPA firm's address will NOT change the individual employee's addresses. Please use the "Individual Change of Address Form" to make those changes.
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