LAWRGe 2022 Application
Please fill out this form if you would like to attend LAWRGe 2022. We can only guarantee that applications received before 4/2/22 will be considered, and earlier applications are encouraged. In reviewing applications, we will be trying to assess how much each applicant would benefit from the workshop, as well as how much other participants would benefit from the applicant's attendance. Please note that we expect participants to attend for the full duration of the workshop.

All participants will have local accommodations fully funded, but only limited travel support is available. We ask that participants use other travel funds if possible. If you would like to be considered for travel support, please indicate this and describe your funding situation.

Make sure you press "submit" only after you've completed the entire form. If you navigate away from this page before pressing "submit", your answers will not be saved!
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Email *
Name: *
Current Institution: *
Current Position: *
If you are a graduate student, what year are you (1st, 2nd, etc.), and who is your advisor (if you have one)? If you are a postdoc, what year did you graduate and from what institution? *
Please describe your research interests, and your interest in LAWRGe 2022 specifically. *
Would you like to be considered for travel funding? *
If you would like to be considered for travel funding, please estimate the amount of funding you would need to attend, and describe in detail your current funding situation.
The following questions are completely optional, but will help us ensure the inclusion of a diverse group of participants.
What is your gender?
What is your race/ethnicity?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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