Thank you so much for your interest in working together in my signature 12 week program designed to stop repeating patterns that don't serve you and end the people pleasing behaviors leaving you empty.

In this program, you have information from my decades of teaching and coaching, my expertise in Neurolinguistics, and lots of personal anecdotal experience of breaking through my own toxic patterns and taking badass action in my life. 

It is important to vet one another! I don't take just anyone, you have to be ready and you have to feel comfortable with me as well. Thanks for taking the time to continue this conversation.

I will reach out when client enrollment is open. 

Reach out if you need anything in the meantime

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Why is NOW the time that you are ready to take action and make change? *
What is your ideal outcome from a coaching program? What would be the big change you are seeking? *
How open are you to coaching and/or therapy? What has your experience been with either?  *
What other questions/comments/concerns or things I should know?
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