MDGA Pre-TC sign up - October 9, 2021 Calvert Grange in Fair Hills, MD
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Email *
Last name *
First name *
Address - Street *
City State Zip *
Phone number *
If you have additional family members signing up you may list their names below.  We recommend youth be at least 14 or over.  This is a pretty long detailed session for anyone younger.  Clinic starts promptly at 9 AM and will last till about 4 PM.
I, ___type name below_____, will not hold the Maryland Dairy Goat Association, ADGA, or the Calvert Grange in Fair Hills, MD responsible for loss, damage, or accident to any person, animal, or property. *
I will pay $60.00 via (select from below)  I understand my registration is not accepted until  paid.  Please make all checks payable to MDGA and mail to MDGA Treasurer, Astrud Wheeles, 5729 Pindell Rd., Lothian, MD 20711. Or  If using PayPal, please send payments to as a Friends and Family transfer so PayPal fees are not taken out. Please enter your name in the comments if your Paypal ID is different or the name(s) of who you are paying for. *
I would like to join the MDGA.  Your membership can be added to our website if you desire.  Memberships range from $5.00 for youth to $15 for individual and $20 for family memberships. *
If you would like to join the Maryland Dairy Goat Association, here is the link to sign up.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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