Update Email/Merge Accounts

This form allows you to request an update to your email or to have accounts merged within Canvas. This does not update or merge your accounts for mySD. Remember that you must have a matching mySD and Canvas account to login to the system. For help with mySD, please consult the BIT Knowledge Base on mySD.

If you would like to change the email for an account, identify it as "update my email." If you have two or more Canvas accounts and would like them to be merged, identify it as "merge accounts."

When requesting a change through this form, it is important to provide additional context as that will ensure that the support team can solve your issue correctly.

Please be aware that updates and merged accounts requested through this form can take up to 72 hours. 

Please note that you will NOT receive a notification upon update/merging. 
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I am seeking to... *
Old Email Address *
Please put your old/original email address below.
New Email Address
Please put the new email address below.
Additional Notes, Context, and Reason for Change
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