Your feedback for the "Add alt text" feature in "Suggested edits"
Thank you for providing feedback. It will be used to improve the Wikipedia iOS app experience.
Which of the following statements apply to you?
How would you rate the level of difficulty you encountered completing the task?
Very easy
Very difficult
How helpful did you find the onboarding & guidance for completing the task?
Not helpful at all
Very helpful

How likely are you to use the "Add alt text" feature in "Suggested edits" again if NO CHANGES were made to the prototype?

Very unlikely
Very likely

How likely are you to use the "Add alt text" feature in "Suggested edits" again if WE MADE CHANGES to the prototype?

Very unlikely
Very likely

How would you improve the "Add alt text" feature in "Suggested edits"?

(Optional) Is there anything else you'd like to share?
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