Prestige Academy Alumni Survey
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What year did you graduate from Prestige Academy? *
i.e. Year of graduation
What qualification did you obtain at Prestige Academy ? *
e.g. BCom Business Marketing
Are you currently employed full-time?   *
Which of the following describe your current academic or professional career status? *
Choose an item which best describes your current state of employment.
How soon did you get a job after graduation?. *
If you're still looking for employment, how many times have you applied? *
Are you employed in the field of the qualification obtained here?   *
List your Company name *
 if you have full-time employment
Reflecting back on your studies, please indicate the extent that the following experiences contributed to your learning *
Not Applicable
First year  experiences
Second year experience and  beyond 
Studio based courses &  experiences (Photography, Viscom)
Internships at companies
Community based projects,  courses & experiences that  have facilitated contact with  the wider community,  industry & society 
Undergraduate research  projects & experiences that  have allowed me to engage  in “real-life” research with  faculty and graduate  student researchers 
Capstone courses and  projects (e.g. final year  cumulative  experience/project, research  project or thesis, dissertations, portfolio) 
Collaborative assignments  and projects 
To what extent did your qualification help you develop the following (related to professional and ethical behaviour)? *
Not Applicable
My ability to work together  in a respectful and  collaborative manner with  team members to complete  tasks 
My ability to demonstrate  ethical reasoning, moral  maturity and a moral sense  of mind in decision¬ making,  including academic  integrity and social  responsibility 
My ability to demonstrate  leadership, including giving  direction and guidance to  others, as well as strategic  visioning 
My ability to demonstrate  personal organization,  accountability and time  management
To what extent did the your qualification  help you develop the following (related to critical and creative thinking)? *
Not Applicable
My ability to gather and  analyze evidence, ask indepth questions, and make  informed conclusions and  judgments 
My ability to identify and  solve problems, including  evaluating alternatives and  articulating reasoning 
My ability to think  creatively, initiate change  and take intellectual risks 
My ability to integrate  existing knowledge across  disciplinary boundaries, and  to evaluate the limits of my  own knowledge
To what extent did the your qualification help you develop the following (related to literacy)? *
Not Applicable
My ability to identify,  critically evaluate and use  information effectively from  a variety of resources and  formats 
My ability to interpret, use,  and communicate  numerical data and  quantitative evidence 
My ability to select and use  appropriate technology to  enhance and manage the  communication of  knowledge 
My ability to find, interpret,  evaluate, use and create  images and visual media
To what extent did the your qualification help you develop the following (related to communication)? *
Not Applicable
My ability to present  information clearly and  effectively (oral  communication
My ability to write clearly  and effectively (written  communication) 
My ability to read and  extract key information from  complex texts 
My ability to integrate  experience, disciplinary and  interdisciplinary knowledge  and communicate this  effectively
What I learned during my studies was relevant to me: (You can choose more than one) *
Overall how satisfied are you with the quality of the qualification you studied for? *
Not applicable
Please rate :
What learning experiences or aspects of the qualification you studied for have been most beneficial to you? *
Please comment here:
What learning experiences or aspects of the qualification you studied for have been least beneficial to you ? *
Please comment here:
If you were going to improve the qualification you studied for, what would be your top 3 recommendations? *
Please comment here:
What advice would you give to a first year who studies in the same type of program you studied for at Prestige Academy? *
Please comment here:
Please provide any further comments about the program you have studied for with regards to possible review of the curriculum review process. *
Additional comments:
Would you like to do short courses to update your knowledge or skills in your field of work? *
If you answered "yes" to the previous question please specify the topics of interest.
Would you consider further full-time or part-time studies here? *
If you answered "yes" to the previous question please specify the subject field
e.g. marketing
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