Volunteer Interest Form: Women's Theatre Collective & Valkyrie Theatre Company

At Women's Theatre Collective we use the art of theatre to create a better world for women and girls. We believe in positive, authentic portrayals of women and public awareness of women's issues. Valkyrie aims to be the leading edge of theatre performance, bringing creative productions to our local communities. Play, co-creation, and fun are at the heart of Valkyrie's theatre practice. We enjoy entertaining our audiences with innovative performances. 
Non-profit, community theatre is fueled by volunteerism. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others.

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Yes,  I would love to help!

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Last Name *
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What is your cell phone number?  *
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Would you like to be added to our general email distribution list?  *
Would you like to be added to our volunteer email distribution list?  *

Here is how I can help (check all that interest you):

Share more specific details about the ways you'd like to help (your experience, your preferences, etc).  *
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